Sunday, February 17, 2008


Can you even guess who came in first in the finals ? Lemme give you a hint: the finals were held in Singapore.

and so obviously you know who the winner is !
Adrian and Collin !!!

I screamed when they won. I still can't believe this! SO UNFAIRRRR !

The girls came in second.

Which is a super huge achievement seeing how they beat Marc and Rov ! for the second time in the entire race. Because they got first in the first leg of the race :)

Marc and Rov came in third.

I was so dissapointed :( But they'll probably be put in the Guinness World Records for coming first in 7 consecutive legs of the race and 8 times overall. That is history. History that you absolutely cannot beat !

And by the way, 3rd is the worst placing for them. They've never ever came in third before. It was always first or second.

The race was actually pretty even at first with Marc and Rovilson taking the lead. Then the were told they were going back to Singapore from South Africa and all three teams took the same flight. When they landed, Marc and Rovilson were still in the lead with the girls in second.

Then it came down to merely ONE roadblock. (A roadblock is a task only one person may perform)

If you've seen The Amazing Race 9, you'll know. They had to arrange flags of the countries they've travelled to in the race in order.

A roadblock I know that if Marc did it instead of Rovilson, the boys would've came in first at the pit stop and win the money. Vanessa did it pretty fast but Adrian, boy you shoulda seen how fast he finished the task. Which caused Adrian and Collin to come in first.

I'm still so sad ! ):

The people who made watching the show worthwhile :)

Despite everything, I'm gonna miss rushing back from ballet and coming home to this. But s'okay, So You Think You Can Dance? is starting soon !



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