Jonas Brothers.
Oh damn.
I can't believe I'm addicted to cheesy pop music, but yes, I am. Most of their songs are good mind you, despite the fact that most of them are cheesy pop songs :D
SYTYCD USA results are not out yet why why why do this to me I'm so nervous oh my God save me I cannot stop talking crap. (FINALS NEXT WEEK!)
SYTYCD Malaysia's finale is tomorrow.
I have officially lost interest in SYTYCD Malaysia. But that will not stop me from watching the finale tomorrow :) :)
I just finished two karangans for tuition which I had two weeks to complete but me being me decided to do it at the very last minute :D Now my hands are killing me.
That reminds me. Can anyone explain butt cramps? Yes, I had butt cramps on Tuesday -.- and on Wednesday my butt was aching like crazy and its not like I did anything?
All in all, I had one relaxing week. and tomorrow's Friday again!
How was your week? :)
Tuning in; Burnin' Up - Jonas Brothers
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